Monday, May 28, 2007

Reb's visit...

Bonjour et bienvenue a ma mise a jour hebdomadaire du lundi. Au programme aujourd'hui, l'arriver de Reb jusqu'a mercredi, notre fin de semaine et les activites en decoulant. Bonne lecture.

Vendredi soir Reb est parti de nagoya sur autobus de nuit dans le but de passer quelque temps dans la grande capitale. L'autobus de nuit etant le moyen de transport generalement considere comme etant le plus soucieux du porte-feuille mais certainement plus desagreable que le shinkansen. Il est donc arrive samedi matin a Tokyo vers 5h30. Je l'ai accueillit a Sugamo un peu plus tard. En fin d'avant midi nous nous sommes dirige vers Akihabara pour nous noyer dans notre engouement commun pour les gadgets, anime et manga. Nous ne nous sommes tout fois pas encore arrete dans un des infames "maid cafe", mais d'ici la fin de son voyage j'espere bien en visiter un avec lui.

Le hasard faisant parfois bien les choses. Alors que nous nous interrogions sur la suite des evenements samedi, Yves recut un message d'un professeur lui revelant la tennu d'une importante demonstration d'Aikido a Tokyo ! Ce dernier faisait egalement parti de l'assistance ! Alors nous avons passe une partie de l'apres-midi avec des francais (le professeur en question etant un prof de francais a l'universite de Nagoya) a regarder des gens faire des pirouettes. J'aime bien l'Aikido, j'envisage de m'y essayer durant mon sejour au Japon, mais bon, je ne suis pas encore tout a fait pret a sacrifier de mon temps pour ca.

En soire j'avais reserve deux places dans une des soires internationnales du genre de celles auquels j'ai eu droit peu de temps apres mon arrive au Japon en fevrier. Reb semble avoir bien aprecie le moment. La soire c'est termine dans un Karaoke a Shinjuku avec deux des personnes que nous avions rencontre au party.

Le landemain j'avais prevu de lui montrer mon coin prefere le dimanche apres midi : Harajuku et son voisin le parc Yoyogi ! Heureusement la temperature clemente nous a permis de passer un excellent moment. J'avais egalement pour l'occasion invite Aya. Apres tout, plus on est de fou, plus on rit ! La soire c'est termine a Roppongi ou nous avons mange un souper du tonnerre au Outback (un resto americain favorisant un style australien, allez savoir...) J'ai moi-meme deguste une cote-levees qui n'avait rien a envier a celles de chez nous (a mon grand etonnement). Puis nous nous sommes arrete dans un Karaoke (oui, encore... que voulez-vous, Reb les adores).

Mon visiteur n'etant pas la tres longtemps, il aurait ete sacrilege de ne pas lui faire essayer le sushi le plus frais possible en allant manger a Tsukiji. Mais comme les sushi sont assez couteux au japon, pour le bien de mon porte-feuille comme pour le sien, nous y sommes alles ce lundi midi pour le diner et nous avons profite des speciaux du midi.

Une bonne fin de semaine, le reste de la semaine je dois travailler alors je ne pourrai pas tout voir avec Reb, mais j'ai encore espoir que nous pourrons nous amuser un peu le soir. Sans doute plus de nouvelles apres son depart qui devrait etre mercredi soir !

Hi and welcome to my weekly update. Today's headlines : Reb is coming to town ! Our weekend and the activities involved. Read on for more !

Friday night, Reb left Nagoya on the night bus in the hope of spending some quality time in the capital. The night bus is considered by many to be the most budget-friendly means of locomotion in Japan but it certainly is not the most confortable. Nevertheless, this wheeled vehicule brought him to Tokyo around 5h30 and the train got him to my doorstep some time after that Saturday morning. A little later in the morning we went to Akihabara to indulged ourself in the ways of Otaku ; spending some time looking at anime, manga and other gadget shops that populates the area. Yet, this time we did not stop to one of the infammous "maid cafe". This is only a temporary setback as I hope we will eventually be able to try one before he goes back.

Luck might have been on our side this day because as we were asking ourself what our next move should be, Reb's phone rang with the answer. The message, from a teacher at Nagoya, informed us that there was a big Aikido event going on in Tokyo this day ! Not only that, the teacher himself was part of the crowd ! So we ended up spending a big part of the afternoon with some friendly french speakers (the teacher in question being a french teacher) and watching some people flying. I always tough Aikido was a nice martial art and I must say it would be nice to try it in Japan. But I don't feel like I'm ready to devote some time to this right now.

In the evening I had reserved two places for one of those internationnal parties I went to when I first came to Japan in Febuary or so. Reb seems to have been delighted by the experience which pleased me too. The party ended in a Karaoke with two japanese living being we meet there. It's always lots of fun.

The next day I had planned to show him my favorite dwelling on a Saturday afternoon : Harajuku and it's parc Yoyogi ! Hopefully, the temperature was on our side and we were able to enjoy a very pleasant afternoon. For the occasion I had also invited Aya because, after all, the more the merrier ! For the evening we went to Roppongi and had diner at Outback (a US restaurant styled as an Australian one, go figure...) I had one amazing set of spare ribs (quite unexpededly I must admit). Then we went (once again) karaoke. Reb really like those...

Because of the relatively short time of my friend's visit, I felt it was important to bring him to some of the most tasty fish in all of Japan by going to eat some sushi at Tsukiji. So we went Monday for lunch, why for lunch ? because for both our wallets sake, we needed the lunch specials.

It was a very good weekend, and more fun will surely come before Reb goes back on Wednesday night. Hopefully I'll post more about our adventures after he as left.

now the "pwety pictures" !

Voici l'endroit ou ce deroulait la demonstration d'Aikido
This is were the Aikido bout went down

J'ai pris des videos de l'evenement, c'est beaucoup plus interessant que des images immobiles, mais je ne peux pas vraiment poster de video sur mon blog
I made some videos of the event but since I can't post them on the blog, I'll try to post the most lively still picture I got.

Il faut deviner qui sont les francais dans la photos...
Guess who are the french guys on this picture...

Cette fin de semaine il y avait une statue de plus a Yoyogi
This weekend there was one more statue at Yoyogi

Un androgyne ! meme avec son nom, personne n'a reussit a determiner si c'etait un gars ou une fille... nous penchons pour un gars, a votre avis ?
An androgyne ! Even with "it's" name no one was able to acertain it's gender... we think guy, but what do you think ?


Anonymous said...

Did Reb had a good time ?

I was very suprised that a friend of my "twitter" went to Budoukan to do Aikido.
(actually I ve never met "him".)He told me he did Aikido at Budoukan.

Why didn't you try Meido cafe , haha. :)

Matchoc said...

I will try... it just takes a lot of will to get in there, I will feel like a real Otaku once I set foot in a place like this !

Yes Reb is enjoying himself I think. The budoukan was nice. Actually there was the french teacher plus 2 or 3 other french guys (shown on the picture). As you can see by his clothes, one of them was actualy doing some demonstration.

But the pictures I took were sooooooooo bad (T_T)