Monday, June 11, 2007

吸血鬼 (because I know this word !)

Ce vendredi j'ai eu la chance d'aller voir une piece de theatre japonaise. Ce fut une experience enrichissante bien que je n'ai pas compris grand chose. Le titre toutefois est bel et bien anglophone, donc facilement comprehensible : Vampire Hunter. La premisse est assez simple, c'est l'histoire d'un groupe de vampires et de chasseurs de vampire qui s'affrontent. S'ensuit histoire d'amour, trahison, massacre et autres joies.

C'etait un petit rassemblement, rien a voir avec les attroupements de foule que vous avez pu apercevoir dans mes nombreuses photos de carnaval. La salle etait comblee avec sans doute moins de 200 personnes. Mais la taille de l'evenement n'avait rien a voir avec l'energie sur scene, je ne sais pas si toutes les pieces de theatre japonaises sont dans le meme style, mais Vampire Hunter etait d'un style bondissant. J'ai eu droit a tout un spectacle de pirouettes acrobatiques et de scenes d'action essouflantes. C'est pour cela que malgre ma tres basse comprehension du dialogue, c'etait tout de meme fort excitant. A mettre un chiffre, je dirais que j'ai a peine compris 10% des dialogues. C'est un peu decevant puisque comme toute piece de theatre les textes etaient definitivement prononces haut et fort avec une attention marquee a la prononciation. A ma defense, certains monologues n'etait pas sans rappeler un torrent en furie. Meme Aya qui m'avait invite m'a avouer avoir eu de la misere a suivre par moment (et elle est Japonaise, alors imaginez !)

Toujours dans le monde du spectacle. Une autre premiere experience pour moi, j'ai ete voir un film dans un cinema japonais. Je m'etait fait dire que certains cinemas au Japon, tout particulierement dans les quartiers "hot" de Tokyo, etaient pourvu de gadget jamais vu dans un cinema quebecois (par exemple sofa a la place de sieges). Evidement, je me suis egalement fait dire que les prix pour ce genre d'endroit sont egalement du jamais vu au Quebec. On parle ici d'une vingtaine de dollars pour un film ! Vous comprendrez donc pourquoi il m'aura fallu un certain temps pour aller a la chasse au film dans un cinema japonais. Toutefois, l'endroit ou je suis alle pour voir le film n'etait certe pas au centre d'un des multiples centre-ville de Tokyo et etait pour tout dire, un peu age (donc pas de sofas !) Bref je m'en suis tire pour 1 200Y !

Un jour viendra ou j'essayerai un super-nouveau-recent-gadget-cinema, mais pour l'instant tout ce que je voulais c'etait voir Pirates of the Caribbean 3 et c'est ce que j'ai fait. Johnny Depp est toujours aussi bon dans son role de Capitaine Jack Sparrow. Mais personnelement je crois que le premier et le deuxieme etait meilleur. Qu'a cela ne tienne, c'etait un bon divertissement et je fait ma part pour la societe en piratant un film de moins ! (malgre le fait que je sois alle voir un film de pirates ?)

This friday I went to see a japanese play. It was a good experience even tough my japanese was not up to par with the dialog. The title hopefully was quite easy to understand : Vampire Hunter. The story is about a group of vampire and vampire hunters quarreling with each other in a circle of love, hate, treason, massacre and other banalities.

It was a fairly small theater, no ressemblance to the neverending horde of people you can sometimes see on my many pictures of japanese festivals. The theater was packed with at most 200 persons in it. The size of the event however was not proportionnal to the energy on scene, Vampire Hunter was one heck of a show. The actors where jumping, fighting and running around like crazy. This action is the reason why, given my limited understanding of the dialog, I was still really able to enjoy the show. If I had to spit a number, I would say that my understanding was under 10% of the total play. It is a little depressing when you consider the fact that, like any play, the actors were speaking loud and clear. I do have one point in my favor tough, some of the monologues where so fast that I tough they were trying to say two words at the same time. Even Aya who had invited me had to admit that some part where hard to follow (and she's japanese, so how am I suppose to do it !)

Another first for me in the world of actors and actresses this weekend was my first visit to a japanese movie theater. I had been told that some theaters in Japan, especially those in the heated centers of Tokyo, had gadgets and features we would never see in a movie theater in Quebec (for exemple, I heard about sofas instead of seats...) Of course, this luxury also comes with a price you would probably never see in Quebec also. I'm talking about 20$ for a single movie. You might understand now why it took me some time to drag my bottom into a movie theater here in Japan. And even then, the place I went to this weekend had no sofas and was agreably priced, suspectedly because it was outside of Tokyo and a little old. In the end, the evening price was 1 200Y !

Someday I will probably try one of those super-cool-new-gadgety-theater, but this time, what I wanted was just to check out the new Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and it's exactly what I did. Johnny Depp is still quite good in its role as Captain Jack Sparrow. Tough, personnally, I think the first and second one were better movies all in all. Whatever, the movie was good enough to provide my needed dose of entertainment and by going to a movie theater I did my part to save the movie industry from dangerous internet pirates (even tough the movie I went to see was about pirates !).


Unknown said...

I've never heard of バンパイアハンター. Is this an animaition movie??

I m going to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 tonight !
I ve been looking forward to seeing it !! :)

Unknown said...

oh , sorry !!

"soto" is me, It's "Keiko" !!

Matchoc said...

I knew "soto" was 外垣 圭子さん ! (I hope I got it right...)

I tough it was based on an anime... but I searched a little on the net and I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe something original, it look a little amateur, tough I don't know much about theater.

It was fun ! Have fun with Pirates... tell me what you tough about it (or I'll decipher it later from your blog...)