Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm already taking vacations ?

Au moins l'agence immobiliere c'est essaye. Lundi ils ont faxe plusieurs choix d'appartements dans differentes regions de Tokyo. J'ai regarde le tout et decide d'en visiter 3 ou 4. Au debut je pensais y aller apres le boulot (vers 18h) mais apparemment je ne peux visiter les appartements qu'entre 9h30 et 15h. Alors j'ai pris une demi-journee de conge de ma grosse banque de 2 semaines de vacances pour aller visiter des appartements.

Cela ne c'est disons pas deroule de facon ideale. D'abord sur les 4 appartements que je voulais visiter, deux n'etaient deja plus disponibles. Qu'a cela ne tienne, c'etait 2 de ceux qui m'interessaient moins. Celui qui m'interesse le plus cependant est encore habite jusqu'au 3 mars, donc je n'ai pas pu le visiter non plus. J'ai quand meme pu voir de quoi avait l'air le quartier et je dois dire que je suis impressionne. L'appartement qui m'interesse le plus est situe sur le dessus d'un supermarche dans un quartier plein de restaurants, a 2 minutes de la station de train a pied et de l'autre cote de la station, il y a un assez volumineux centre d'achats. Difficile de faire mieux comme quartier ! C'est un peu a l'exterieur de Tokyo, mais la ligne de train se rend directement au travail, alors je n'aurait pas besoin de transferer. Selon le plan, l'appartement est aussi sinon plus grand que celui que j'etait sense avoir a Saitama (40 metres carres de memoire). Bref, si je peux seulement mettre mon nez dans l'appartement et m'assurer que tout est beau, il y a 99% de chance que je prenne cet appartement. En esperant qu'ils acceptent, bien sur, les gaijins et que quelqu'un d'autre ne le prenne pas avant moi.

J'ai vu 3 autres appartements dans le meme quartier, mais ils etaient passablement plus loin de la station. Je dois dire que faire 10min de marche a tous les jours pour me rendre a une station de train qui est elle-meme me demande 20min jusqu'au bureau ne m'interesse pas beaucoup. L'appartement est un peu moins cher que celui de Saitama : 96 500\ (965$ par mois).

J'ai aussi reussi a tenir la conversation avec l'agent qui ne parlait que japonais, alors j'en suis assez fier ! (J'ai appris un nouveau mot : trop loin (遠過ぎる).)

Donc maintenant j'attends au 3 mars pour voir si je peux aller visiter l'appart ! Quelque chose me dit que la prochaine mise-a-jour de mon blog sera dans le coin de cette date la !

Tune in for english

At least the agency tried. Monday they faxed a bunch of appartement papers about apartment all around Tokyo. I looked at them all and decided I wanted to visit 3 or 4 of them. At first I was thinking of going after work around 6pm. But apparently I can only visit apartment between 9h30 and 3pm. So I took a half-day off on my ~huuuge~ 2 weeks of paid vacation to go visit apartments.

It didn't go that well. First of all, on the 4 apartments I was keen to investigate, 2 where already gone. But that's not so bad, it was two of the less interesting one. But the one I really wanted to see was still ocupied so I could not go inside ! They plan to leave on March 3rd, so I have to wait till then to visit the appartment. I still went to the place to see the outside and go around the neighborhood. It's a really amazing neighborhood. This apartment is located on the top of a supermarket ! Not only that, it's also conviently located across the street from the train station. And on the other side of this station there seems to be a huge shopping mall. Hard to do any better I think. It's a bit outside of Tokyo but the train line goes directly to my work place, so I wouldn't have to take any transfer ! The sketch of the apartment tells me it's about as big as the one I was suppose to get in Saitama (around 40 square meters). If I can only get in for a quick look, there's a 99% chance I'll take this apartment. It's also a little cheaper than the Saitama one : 96 500\ (965$/month). Of course, this supposes that they are willing to rent to a gaijin and that the apartment will still be free after the 3rd.

While I was there, I also went to some other apartments, but they were farter from the station and honnestly I did not feel like walking 10min and than taking a 20min train ride to get to work everyday !

I was also able to hold what I consider something closely resembling a conversation with the japanese-only speaking agent, so I'm pretty proud of myself ! (learned a new word : too far (遠過ぎる).)

So now I'll wait till the 3rd to check out the apartment. Something tells me there might be another post on this blog around this date.


Reb said...

Um, great job in learning from conversations: that's the way to go.
But unfortunately, make sure you learn correctly by repeating the word to the person you learned it from so he can confirm!
Too far would be 遠過ぎる.
In expressions with 過ぎ, the い in いー形容詞 disappears.
Keep up the good work ;)

Matchoc said...

I don't doubt you can write it like that. But google seems to suggest more than 900 000 results for 遠い過ぎる and yet only a couple of thousand for 遠過ぎる. So I'm guessing both are pretty much used.

The truth is, I only learned tooi :P.

Reb said...

I'm not saying Google is wrong (I would never, I trust it too much with my daily problems to do that), but I asked 7 Japanese friends what they used just to be sure I didn't say anything wrong before I suggested the correction and they all would never say 遠い過ぎる.
Maybe it's a particularity of a dialect proper to Tokyo (in which case I suggest you stick to that ;P), but I was not refering to written Japanese or Textbooks (as I hate them), I always refer to what can or cannot be said.

Reb said...

...That, or people from central Japan all have a weird way of speaking

Reb said...

Three posts in a row... damn me!!!
I know your blog is not meant for talking about Japanese grammar, but I just watched a movie with a Japanese friend's family, and the Japanese subtitles said "遠い過ぎた"!!
Seeing that, I asked again and they all said (grandmother, mother, father and friend) that they had never seen it before...
Could it be a phenomenon in the making!
I would love it as a linguist if Japanese were actually changing before my very eyes: I can only hope ;)

Matchoc said...

Thank you for your input. Now I'm totally confused. :) But everything's fine, now I know what I'm going to talk about with the next japanese person I meet :P.

Matchoc said...

Ok, I don't know why google wants me to use 遠い過ぎる but I also asked someone about it and she definitely told me 遠過ぎる.

Since she might come check out my blog, I'll just edit it :).

Anonymous said...

hello こんにちは(^^)


I can't understand French !!!
But I understood what you said in English . :)
